Past Exhibits

Kennesaw State University: Selected Works from Advanced Painting

FINDINGS: Susie Winton & Rebecca Des Marais

Contrapunto: Latin American Artist Collective
Contrapunto's mission is to increase Latin American artist representation in the Southeast, supporting their members by creating access to education, exhibitions, residencies, and more.

Inspired by Taoism, specifically the concept of Chi, Wu paints the movement of vapor, air and energy in the environments in her work. In the myths of pleasure, the composition hovers on the edge of the abstraction and figuration in an open dimension.

Change is Gonna Come
Picasso’s Guernica was painted in response to the bombing of civilians in the Spanish Civil War. In the culminating project for the 10th graders at Drew Charter School, students were called to interpret modern day conflicts in the Cubist style, to recreate this masterpiece. The driving question for the large scale group mural, “What conditions could start a new war?”

The Beautiful Ones: Nothing is Perfect
This exhibition showcases the extraordinary power of color, our behavior, and our thoughts. The artist experiments with colors, both vibrant and subdued, to create a story about each image in his paintings. Each painting features a muse painted in a color that signifies their life experiences and mood.

Hindsight 2020
The fabric of a life isn't smooth and uniform. It's shadowy and it's bright and every in-between; substantial and steely in patches, while unfinished and threadbare in others.

Come Together
This collection is made up of compilation of creative professionals work, whose range of talents extend well-beyond their day-to-day work as architects, interior designers, experiential graphic designers and communicators.

Thoughts of Hope
Alexi Torres discusses the relationship between nature and man in a contemporary context emphasizing the interconnectedness of all living things.

This collection explores the loud and disconnected spirit of the time - from the world’s suffocating plastic plague, to the respiratory gasps of Covid-19, and one man’s cries: “I Can’t Breathe!”

In celebration of Pride Month, Gallery 100 joins together LGBTQIA+ artists, Steven Frost, fiber artist and Media Studies instructor, and Jack Kostyshen, interdisciplinary artist and architecture student, for a virtual exhibit.

Site & Structures
SCAD Art Sales presents Site and Structures, an exhibition featuring Atlanta-based SCAD artists exploring ideas of space and place.

Joy & Gravity
This work is unapologetically flawed, warm, and tactile. The collages are meant to be a study of the relationship between restraint and the compulsion to fill space.

Real Negus Don’t Die
In this ongoing series of expressionist drawings, Dr. Fahamu Pecou confronts the death-bound narrative by highlighting the enduring legacies of iconic individuals.